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Our Blog

Maria Laquerre LMFT, RPTS
Aug 30, 20227 min read
Mulan: An icon of individuality
It's no secret that as human beings, we are prone to similarities and vast differences regardless of the lens through which we view life....

Maria Laquerre LMFT, RPTS
Jul 29, 20226 min read
Compassionate Coexistence = Community
In a world often driven by personal needs, motivations, and desires, we must find and showcase humanity’s reality in all its beauty. From...

Maria Laquerre LMFT, RPTS
Jul 6, 20225 min read
Healing and Forgiveness: How Outside Perspective Can Be a Game Changer When Overcoming Trauma.
If ever there was someone to understand the age-old sentiment “Life isn’t fair,” it’s safe to say Harry Potter is up there in terms of...

Maria Laquerre LMFT, RPTS
Jun 6, 20225 min read
Resilience - A Superpower
When you think Superhero, who comes to mind? Do you envision your heroes or favorite fictional characters straight from your childhood...

Maria Laquerre LMFT, RPTS
May 25, 20225 min read
A Whole New World and A Search for Purpose
“But who cares, no big deal, I want more.” Ariel had “gizmos and gadgets a-plenty, whozits and whatzits galore, and even 20 thingamabobs”...

Eric Gomez, LMFT
May 12, 20224 min read
Experiencing Calm & Constructive Communication in Marriage
I will always remember the years I practiced from an office space located on the Puget Sound in Washington state. It was a wondrous...
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