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Are you ready to unlock the transformative power of geek culture in therapy? Join us for A New Hope Play Therapy's annual Geek Play Therapy Summit, where we're bringing together experts, practitioners, and enthusiasts worldwide to explore the intersection of geek culture and mental health.


The inaugural 2024 Geek Play Therapy Summit was an unprecedented online gathering aimed at professionals, enthusiasts, and advocates in the fields of psychology, therapy, and geek culture. The innovative summit offers a unique exploration of the intersection between play therapy techniques and the diverse realms of geek and pop culture.

With a focus on leveraging the power of play and the immersive, engaging elements of geek culture, this summit aims to foster a deeper understanding of how these two worlds intersect, providing a fertile ground for therapeutic interventions, personal development, and healing.


Details on our 2025 Geek Play Therapy Summit coming soon! Sign up to our newsletter to be first to hear of announcements.

"In the heart of every geek resides a deep connection to the hero's journey. Geek therapy harnesses this narrative capacity, empowering individuals to discover their own resilience, triumph over adversity, and unveil the hero within."

Jared Andes, LCSW, RPT, Owner of Full Spectrum Counseling



Why Attend the Geek Play Therapy Summit? 


At the Geek Play Therapy Summit, you'll discover innovative approaches to therapy that harness the therapeutic potential of video games, comics, movies, and more. Whether you're a therapist looking to expand your toolkit, a gamer seeking deeper insights into your hobby, or simply someone who believes in the healing power of stories, this summit is for you.​


For geeky therapists, this summit offers a chance to deepen your understanding of incorporating your passions into your practice, enriching your therapeutic approach and connecting with clients on a new level. But even if you don't consider yourself a "geek," the Geek Play Therapy Summit offers plenty! You'll learn how to leverage the universality of geek culture to engage clients, spark meaningful conversations, and promote healing in unexpected ways.​


Through engaging workshops, insightful panels, and interactive discussions, you'll learn how to leverage your geeky interests to foster resilience, self-discovery, and personal growth. From exploring the hero's journey in gaming, to using comic book characters as archetypes for understanding the self, the Geek Play Therapy Summit offers a unique opportunity to delve into the rich tapestry of geek culture and its profound impact on mental well-being.​


Don't miss out on the chance to connect with like-minded individuals, gain valuable insights, CE credits, and explore new frontiers in therapy. Discover how embracing your inner geek can lead to profound healing and empowerment, regardless of your background or interests. Details on our 2025 summit coming soon!

"Geek therapy and play therapy are like twin galaxies, each holding a universe of healing potential. In the playground of imagination and the realms of geekdom, we discover that healing is not just a journey, but an epic adventure waiting to unfold."

Sophia Ansari, LPCC, RPT, owner of Let's Play Therapy Institute



Key Themes

  1. Play Therapy Techniques: Expert-led discussions and workshops on the application of play therapy methodologies in clinical practice.

  2. Geek Culture Integration: Exploring how elements of geek culture—such as gaming, comics, fantasy, sci-fi, and more—can be incorporated into therapeutic approaches.

  3. Empowerment through Passion: Understanding how embracing one's passions within geek culture can be a vehicle for self-expression, identity exploration, and healing.

  4. Diversity and Inclusivity: Addressing the importance of inclusivity and diversity within both the realms of therapy and geek culture, emphasizing representation and acceptance.

  5. Innovation and Research: Showcasing cutting-edge research, case studies, and innovative techniques that blend play therapy with geek culture.


“We look for characters in media who we see ourselves in, and our expressions of fandom can be healing."

Dr. Drea Letamendi, Marvel's 616 on Disney+


Who is the Summit For?

  • Psychologists, therapists, counselors, and mental health professionals

  • Educators, researchers, and students interested in psychology, therapy, and geek culture

  • Advocates, enthusiasts, and influencers within geek culture communities

  • Individuals seeking innovative approaches to therapy or personal growth

"Geek play therapy bridges the worlds of fantasy and reality, teaching us that the heroes we admire in stories can inspire resilience and courage in our own lives. It's a testament to geek culture's power as a healing and empowerment tool."

—  Ariel Landrum, LMFT, ATR
Clinical Director of Guidance Teletherapy Family Counseling Inc.


2024 Geek Play Therapy Summit

On-Demand Trainings


Missed our inaugural summit? Fear not! Our recorded trainings are now available on-demand. Click below for more information and to register.

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“The more we understand human nature and behavior, the more we recognize human complexities. The emergence of multiple innovative theories and approaches to assist in navigating the human condition is necessary in meeting the diverse needs of human beings."

- Rachel Altvater, Psy.D., RPT-S

About Your Summit Host

A self-described geek, Maria Laquerre Diego, LMFT, RPT-S is a therapist turned CEO. In addition to supporting mental health providers, Maria takes an active role in addressing the continued stigma of mental health services through the use of pop culture – everything from movies and television shows to superheroes and Disney characters.


Maria has spoken about mental health at several local events, has served as an officer on professional boards, and has provided training to clinicians all over the country. 


"There are so many aspects of pop culture I am not aware of, this was extremely enlightening! I found it very revealing to point out all the different areas of pop culture that sometimes I miss, since I'm so focused in my own little world. Super interesting to cover such a broad variety of interests and to label pop culture as such."

2024 Geek Play Therapy Summit Attendee

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Would you like to present at the 2025 Geek Play Therapy Summit?


Are you interested in sharing your blend of play therapy and your geeky passions? 

We are looking for 1.5 hour online workshops for our 2025 Geek Play Therapy Summit.

We look forward to hearing from you!



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