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Intro to Play Therapy


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This training is an introduction to play therapy for therapists who do not have formal play therapy training or are new to play therapy education. This training will cover a brief history of play therapy, an overview of theories as well as basic play therapy skills - providing a foundation for working with children. Participants will engage in practicing basic play therapy responses and skills to implement in their beginning play therapy sessions. 

A self-described geek, Maria Laquerre-Diego, LMFT, RPT-S is a CEO and Owner who is committed to increasing access to mental health services and breaking down the stigma surrounding therapy services. As a therapist turned CEO, Maria has developed a unique perspective when it comes to mental health and the barriers surrounding mental health treatment. Influenced by her time at New Mexico State University in the Family and Consumer Science department, and University of New Hampshire’s Marriage and Family Therapy department, Maria has turned her dedication to giving back and supporting future generations of therapists. In addition to supporting mental health providers, Maria takes an active role in addressing the continued stigma of mental health services through the use of pop culture – everything from movies and television shows to superheroes and Disney characters. Maria has spoken about mental health at several local events, has served as an officer on professional boards and has provided training to clinicians all over the country.



January 14, 2024


A New Hope Therapy Center

715 E Idaho Suite 2B

Las Cruces, NM 88001


8:45 - Check in

9:00 - Presentation Begins
10:30 - 15 Minute Break
11:30 -1:00 1.5 Hour Break For Lunch
3:30 - 15 Minute Break
5:00 - Presentation Ends


$150 Professional Pricing

$80 Student Pricing

*Pricing includes CE Certificate

Of Note

This is an in-person training and will not be recorded.  Come dressed comfortably and bring your reusable cup for water, tea or coffee from our break room! You will receive an email with any handouts the day prior to the training.

This training will provide 6 CE Credits. ​A New Hope Therapy Center is an Approved Provider for the Association for Play Therapy (APT) - Approved Provider 20-631 and Maria Laquerre-Diego is an Approved Provider for the NM Counseling and Therapy Practice Board CCE020981

Training Objectives

  • Describe play therapy and its benefits for helping children who present for therapy.

  • Identify three major figures in play therapy history.

  • List four seminal/historically significant theories of play therapy.

  • Name the categories of play therapy toys.

  • Identify two ways to play therapy differs from typical psychotherapy.

  • Engage in practicing basic skills such as tracking and limit setting.

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