Exciting announcement!
Our non-profit, A New Hope Academy, dedicated to supporting mental health professionals,
has launched—visit www.anewhopeacademy.org today!
Join Us For
In the training “Neuroscience of Attachment and Play”, you will explore a developmental approach to neuroscience. You will learn about five brain structures and how they relate to behavior and ability to function. You will also experience how Play Therapy assists with development and successfully integrating developmental experiences. As a participant you will experience play based activities that develop insight into your own regulation tools and how to use them to change your own nervous system state. You will also practice meeting the needs of a child or clients who are dysregulated in the playroom. You will learn about attachment theory and its implication on relationships and play therapy. Ultimately, you will leave the training with greater insight into your own needs as well as those in your care. You will have down to earth language you can use to teach caregivers about regulatory states and how they can also attune to children’s needs through the use of play.
Presented By
Waldo Winborn is a professional counselor at Winborn Wellness & Counseling and is independently licensed to practice in the state of New Mexico. He has decades worth of behavioral health experience and specializes in working with children and families who have suffered trauma. He is a Registered Play Therapist and certified in EMDR. Waldo is a recognized supervisor by the New Mexico Counseling and Therapy Practice Board as well as the Board of Social Work Examiners. In 2009 Waldo and Renee Winborn, LCSW founded Winborn Wellness & Counseling, a group practice in Southern New Mexico. Together they built an agency that supports over 20 mental health clinicians and provides direct services in Grant, Hidalgo, Catron, and Luna counties. Today he continues as its clinical director and facilitates an environment of collaboration and support. For more information about Waldo or his work go to WinbornWC.com

Other Info
845 - Check in/Sign in on Zoom
9:00 - Presentation Begins
10:30 - 15 Minute Break
12:00-1:00 1 Hour Break For Lunch
2:30 - 15 Minute Break
4:15 - Presentation Ends
$150 Early Bird Pricing
$175 Regular Pricing
*Pricing includes CE Certificate
As this is an online training, it is required that you have your video on and are actively participating in order to earn the offered CEs.
Of Note
This is an online training. You will receive an email with the Zoom link and any handouts the day prior to the training.
This training will provide 6 CE Credits.
A New Hope Therapy Center is an Approved Provider for the Association for Play Therapy (APT) - Approved Provider 20-631 and Maria LaquerreDiego is an Approved Provider for the NM Counseling and Therapy Practice Board CCE020981
Training Objectives
Explain the basic brain functions by neurological structure
Explain nervous system states and how they present in the playroom
Explain how play therapy promotes neurological development
Explain attachment styles and how they impact relationships and play therapy sessions
Demonstrate play therapy activities that promote up regulation
Demonstrate play therapy activities that promote down regulation
Explain how the therapeutic powers of play are protective factors in neurological development
Cancellation and Refund Policy
A New Hope Therapy Center’s Cancellation and Refund Policy will be as follows to assure consistency and is applicable to all trainings offered by A New Hope Therapy Center.
Registrations canceled on or before two weeks prior to the event is refundable but subject to a $25 administrative fee.
Registrations canceling with less than two weeks will not receive a refund. The refund and cancellation policy will not be waived. Registration fees may be transferred to another individual for the same event.
In the event A New Hope Therapy Center must cancel the conference due to unforeseen circumstances, A New Hope Therapy Center will refund the cost of registration. However, A New Hope Therapy Center does not assume responsibility for any additional costs, charges, or expenses; to include, charges made for travel and lodging.